The War Game
The War Game
it started as a game
Malte is an 11-year-old loner whose mind
is full of complex strategies and game theory.
As he suddenly ends up in the middle of a conflict between two courtyards, he finds practical use to his theories. Too late it dawns on him that his interference makes play for real, and an actual war is now breaking out.
Will he be able to stop it?
– Copenhagen Bombay –
Goran Kapetanovic
Jannik Tai Mosholt
Sarita Christensen, Per Janérus
Ita Zbroniec-Zajt
Year of production:
Gosia Grzyb CSI, SKF
85 minutes

In a city similar to Malmö, there is a low-intensity conflict over an attractive territory. When the new guy – and strategist – Malte moves in, the conflict escalates into real war. A new surprising children’s movie dares to excite the arc. From an adult perspective, “War” may well solve some of its basic conflicts. But this is a good film for slightly larger children who are eager to discuss contemporary burning issues, both at school but certainly at home as well.
It is about a conflict-filled contemporary but also eternal questions – who is man really evil or good?
– Miranda Sigander –